Friday, February 13, 2015

Easy Dollar Store Glittered Candle

Hi all! I just wanted to share a quick Valentine's Day project I made yesterday. I've been wanting do do something like this ever since I got my first jars of Elizabeth Craft Designs Silk Microfine Glitter. It's absolutely gorgeous and so easy to work with.

After assembling my supplies, I cut a piece of adhesive to size. To keep the glitter tidy, I scored the tape, just through the release paper, so that I could expose just the section I was working on. Since I wanted somewhat of an ombre effect, I mixed the dark and medium glitters, and then the medium and white to get more shades. Very easy! After that, I just peeled off my paper and glittered away.

Elizabeth Craft Design carries the glitter I used (and there are so many more colors!) as well as the adhesive sheets. I promise you, once you try this glitter, you will be hooked. You can find white, unscented pillar candles at The Dollar Tree. I love these because they can be altered to fit any holiday or decorating scheme. I also found the other two candle holders there - so pretty for a buck!

As far as burning the candle, they usually just burn down the center, so I'll probably use mine. However, I don't know that I'd recommend that to everyone - you can probably use your own judgement if you decide to make one. In the past, I had a coffee bean candle nearly start a fire in my living room, so I'm always a bit cautious when it comes to decorated candles!

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Thanks so much for stopping by today - have a great weekend!


  1. So beautiful and what a great idea for a romantic or fun gift!!! Thank you so much for sharing these. :)

  2. Really pretty! Makes me start searching for things to glitter :)


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