My friends all know that I am an estate sale junkie. Mostly what I look for is what no one else wants - the old bits of paper, sheet music, fragments of lace, rusty stuff, etc. Pretty much I just like junk! My husband and I went to an estate sale a couple weeks ago that a friend of mine just happened to be at. It was so much fun! My husband humors me, but Becky is a wild woman - just as bad as me! It's always fun to poke around sales, but even better when you have someone egging you on to buy anything your heart desires. I bought stuff, my husband hauled it to the truck. I bought more stuff. Back again. This happens several times. Too many times to count, in fact. By the time we leave, I am in a paper haze. Immediately I have to start going thru it all, oohing and aahing and all the bits and pieces. I come to something - a vintage spelling tablet - I wonder out loud, 'When did I get this, it's amazing?!' My husband proudly announces, 'I found that, thought you'd like it.' I flipped